ADHD Awareness is Key
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My Life with ADHD and how I made it my superpower, also how it influence my career choice.

From a young age I knew I was different. My 1st memory of day dreaming was in first grade and during math. We were learning what a dozen was and I went to another land, I honestly don’t remember much of course but I do remember feeling like sad because I didn’t know what a dozen was. As I got older it only became worse, I did terrible on test, homework, if I remembered to do it, and so much more.

It wasn’t until 5th grade math that I started to love to learn, all my math teachers were boring before my 5th grade one. It felt like he believed in me and that I had a natural talent for math, turns out he was right.

As I’ve gotten older, my grades have gotten better all thanks to COVID and how it made my parents realize I might need some help so I was placed on medication and haven’t looked back. How it’s helped me realize what career I want to when I’m older is because I want to do what my 5th grade math teacher did for me. I want to show kids like all of us that I believe in them.