ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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ADHD is my super power
and my Kryptonite

Some people think that ADHD doesn’t exist; some of them think that we just need to be “disciplined” for misbehaving and not acting appropriately for our age. Some non-ADHD people are even using it as an excuse for procrastinating and for being lazy. It is sad that most people know only the myths about ADHD. … Read more

I finally felt I could see the world clearly…

In my younger years I was treated for depression. However, I stopped treatment for a long time thinking I could “handle my problems alone.” I struggled throughout college even though I had good intentions. Finally, at the age of 29 I went to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with ADHD. I began treatment and my … Read more

I’m just a regular person like everyone else

When I was 8 years old I was diagnosed with ADHD. I did not understand what that meant and how it would affect my learning and everyday habits. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I had found a way to better myself without medication and therapy. I had to accept the fact … Read more

What I wish my son’s teachers knew about ADHD

As I parent, I wish my son’s teachers were more familiar with a few things about ADHD so that they could better support him. There is a lot of research showing that ADHD is real. It is a brain-based disorder affecting behaviors such as planning, attention, self-regulation, working memory, and processing information. It causes problems … Read more